■ Last Modified 2004/09/11 20:00 ■
- John Rawls, influential political philosopher, dead at 81(Harvard Gazette)
- ロールズ追悼,哲学クロニクル 第334号(2002年11月27日)
- John Rawls. 1971. A Theory of Justice. (Harvard University Press, 2nd edition 1999) [ 川本 隆史, 福間 聡, 神島 裕子 訳『正義論 改訂版』(紀伊國屋書店, 2010)].
- John Rawls. 1987. Liberty, equality, and law : selected Tanner lectures on moral philosophy. with Sterling M. McMurrin(eds.), (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press).
- John Rawls. 1993. Political Liberalism; The John Dewey Essays in Political Philisophy. (New York: Columbia University Press).
- John Rawls. 1999. The Law of Peoples, (Havard University Press)[ 中山 竜一 訳『万民の法』(岩波書店,2006)]
- John Rawls and Barbara Herman. 2000. Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy. (Harvard University Press)
- John Rawls, Samuel Freeman(ed.). 2001. Collected Papers. (Harvard University Press)
- John Rawls, Erin Kelly(ed.). 2001. Justice as Fairness: A Restatement. (Harvard University Press) [田中 成明, 亀本洋, 平井 亮輔訳『公正としての正義再説』(岩波書店,2004)].
- ジョン・ロールズ(田中成明編訳). 1995. 『公正としての正義』(木鐸社)
- John Rawls. 1951. "Outline of Decision Procedure for Ethics," Philosophical Review, vol.60, pp.177-197.
- John Rawls. 1955. "Two Concepts of Rules," Philosophical Review, vol.64, pp.3-32.
- John Rawls. 1958. "Justice as Fairness," Philosophical Review, vol.67, pp.164-194.
- John Rawls. 1963. "Constitutional Liberty and the Concept of Justice," in C.J.Friedrich and J.W.Chapman (eds.), Norms 6: Justice (New York: Atherton Press), pp.98-125. (Collected Papersに再掲)
- John Rawls. 1963. "The Sense of Justice," Philosophical Review, vol.72, pp.281-305.
- John Rawls. 1964. "Legal Obligation and Duty of Fair Play," in S. Hook(ed.), Law and Philosophy, pp.3-18.
- John Rawls. 1967. "Distributive Justice," in W. G. Runciman (ed.), Civil Disobedience (New York: Pegasus), pp.58-82.
- John Rawls. 1968. "Distributive Justice: Some Addenda," Natural Law Forum, vol.13, 51-71.
- John Rawls. 1969. "The Justification of Civil Disobedience," in H. A. Bedau(ed.), Cvil Disobedience (New York: Pegasus), pp.240-255.
- John Rawls. 1971. "Justice as Receprocity," in S. Gorovitz (ed.), Utilitarianism (New York: Bobbs-Merrill).
- John Rawls. 1972. "Reply to Lyons and Teitelman," The Jounal of Philosophy, vol.69.
- John Rawls. 1974. "Reply to Alexander and Musgrave," Quartely Jounal of Economics, vol.88, pp.633-655.
- John Rawls. 1974. "Some Reasons for Maximin Criterion," American Economic Review, vol.64, pp.141-145.
- John Rawls. 1975. "Fairness to Goodness," Philosophical Review, vol.84, 536-554.
- John Rawls. 1975. "The Independence of Moral Theory," Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Assosiation, vol.48.
- John Rawls. 1975. "A Kantian Conception of Equality," Cambridge Review, vol.96.
- John Rawls. 1977 "The Basic Structure as Subject," American Philosophical Quartely, vol.14, pp.159-165.
- John Rawls. 1978. "The Basic Structure as Subject," in J. Kim (ed.), Value and Morals (Boston: Reidel).
- John Rawls. 1979. "A Well-ordered Society," in J. Fishkin (ed.), Philosophy, Politics and Society (New Heven: Yale University Press).
- John Rawls. 1980. "Kantian Constructivism in Moral Therory: The Dewey Lectures," Jounal of Philosophy, vol.77, pp.515-572.
- John Rawls. 1982. "The Basic Liberties and their Priority," in S. M. McMurrin (ed.), The Tanner Lectures on Human Values (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press).
- John Rawls. 1982. "Social Unity and Primary Goods," in B. Williams (ed.), Utilitarianism and Beyond (New York: Cambridge University Press).
- John Rawls. 1984. "Readings in social and political theory," in Michael J. Sandel (ed.),Liberalism and its critics (New York : New York University Press).
- John Rawls. 1985. "Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical," Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol.14.
- John Rawls. 1987. "The Idea of an Overlapping Consensus," Oxford Jounal of Legal Studies, vol.7.
- John Rawls. 1987. "Is liberty possible?" in Sterling M. McMurrin (ed.),Liberty, equality, and law : selected Tanner lectures on moral philosophy (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press).
- John Rawls. 1988. "The Priority of Right and Ideas of the Good," Philisophy and Public Affairs, vol.17.
- John Rawls. 1989. "The Domain of the Political and Overlapping Consensus," New York University Law Review, vol.64, no.2, pp.233-255.
- John Rawls. 1989. "Themes in Kant's Moral Philosophy," in E. Forster (ed.), Kant's Transcendental Deducations(Eckart: Stanford University Press).
- John Rawls. 1993. "The Law Peoples," in Stephen Shute and Susan Surley(eds.). 1993 On human rights: the Oxford Amnesty lectures 1993. 中島吉弘・松田まゆみ共訳『人権について : オックスフォード・アムネスティ・レクチャーズ』(みすず書房, 1998).
- John Rawls. 1995. "Reflections on Hiroshima: 50 Years after Hiroshima," Dissent, Summer 1995, pp.323-327. 川本隆史訳,1996. 「原爆投下はなぜ不正なのか?: ヒロシマから50年」『世界』619号 (1996年2月号) pp.103-114.
- John Rawls. 1995. "Response to Herbaernas," Journal of Philosophy, vol.92, no.3, pp.132-180.
- John Rawls. 1997. "The Idea of Public Reason Revisited," The University of Chicago Law Review, vol.64, no.3, pp.765-807.